Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rice Can't Swell

Here's U-Black's deejay cut to a tune by the Symbols (we'll be hearing more from them in coming weeks) called 'Rice Can't Swell'. It's a rare one - just a handful of copies were released on the Symbols' short-lived 'King David' imprint. Apart from a reference in RKR, all I can find in Google is the feedback for a copy I sold on ebay a while back.

I really love design of the label, this and the vocal were the only two tunes ever released on it.

It's got a really heavy rhythm and some nice drumming on the b-side. The toasting isn't bad, but it's not U-Black's best (check out some of the tunes he cut for Jammy and Joe Gibbs).

1 comment:

the_voice_of_reason said...

Nice dub for sure, on what sounds like a virtual remake of the "Feel Like Jumping"/"54-46" bassline. Tend to agree that the A-side's not really that special; records like this were ten a penny in 1979