Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Ten Tons Of Dub

Here's a great deejay tune called 'Ton Ton Woman' by Jah Stone. It's a GG's production over a sweet dubbed-up and very heavy version of 'Black Cinderella'. I don't know whose version it is, but I ought to because I've definitely heard that voice somewhere before. If anyone does know, please tell me!

The dub is also excellent, in fact I listen to it more often than the deejay side. Heavy bass, pounding drums, a shed-load of echo on the horns, organ and vocals, and tracks fading and dropping in and out of the mix all over the place: it's a masterpiece and it's designed to be played very, very loud.

1 comment:

novum said...

nice! look at that little dog :)

i listened to it a few times now, but i am sorry, can´t recognize who´s singing..

truly a masterpiece of a dub, good balance of drum/base & echoes. thank you!